SC01272 - Earth and Space Science 03008
Online Delivery E-learning Center courses are provided free to S.D. public schools. This course is created and delivered by a South Dakota certified teacher.
This is a year-long course in advanced astronomy and earth studies with a problem-solving component requiring an Algebra I level of mathematics preparation. The topics covered in this course include the history of astronomy; tools of astronomers; the solar system; the birth, life, and death of stars; relativity; structure of the universe; makeup of the earth; earth history; motions and changes of the earth’s surface; atmosphere; and weather. The course will also show how these principles are applied in order to explain the phenomena in the universe, the earth and of geology and meteorology as well as earth history. By the end of the course students will have a better grasp on how this amazing universe works.
This is NOT a credit recovery class.
Algebra I