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General Information

The South Dakota Center for Virtual Education (SDCVE)* is a clearinghouse of distance courses offered by approved providers. Courses are available online or via the Digital Dakota Network. All course offerings and providers are approved by the South Dakota Department of Education. The goal of the SDCVE is to provide choice, flexibility, and quality for all students across the state.

Virtual learning can be a great option:

  • When a school doesn't offer the desired course
  • When a course doesn't fit into a student's schedule
  • When a student needs credit recovery
  • When an advanced student needs an academic challenge

*SDCVE was previously known as the South Dakota Virtual School . Transitioning to the term "South Dakota Center for Virtual Education" is intended to provide clarity about the purpose of this entity and the opportunities it provides for students.

Any middle or high school student enrolled in a public, non-public, or tribal/BIE school in South Dakota is eligible to take courses via the South Dakota Center for Virtual Education. Alternative instruction (homeschool) students may also take these courses, as long as they register through their resident public school district.

Students are encouraged to browse current courses. Once they have selected a course, they should work with their school's designated contact person (typically a counselor or high school principal) to review the selection. If approved, the school contact will register the student.

If your district is not set up to use the South Dakota Center for Virtual Education, please have them email the SDCVE administrator at to request access.

Students who wish to take courses via the South Dakota Center for Virtual Education must coordinate the enrollment with their local district. Typically, schools pay for the cost of a student to take a virtual course. Costs vary depending on the provider and course offering.

School districts handle the enrollment/registration process and are responsible for monitoring student progress. Students cannot register on their own. This allows a school to keep track of the number of students using the service.

Since schools usually cover the cost of a course, designated school personnel (typically a counselor or high school principal) must approve a student's request to take a course via the South Dakota Center for Virtual Education.

School districts do have the right to deny a student's request to take a South Dakota Center for Virtual Education course or require the student to pay partial or full cost of a course.